Limitation of liability The content of this website is created with the greatest possible care and attention. However, the provider assumes no guarantee for the accuracy, completeness, and/or up-to-dateness of the content provided. The use of the website’s content shall be at the user’s own risk. Any written contributions whose author is specified by name express the opinion of the author in question, but not always the opinion of the provider. The mere use of the provider’s website shall not bring about a contractual relationship of any kind whatsoever between the user and the provider.
External links This website contains links to websites operated by third parties ("external links"). Liability for these websites is assumed by their respective providers. When accessing the external links for the first time, the provider examined the third-party content to establish whether it contained any violations of the law. At that time, no violations of the law were visible. The provider has no influence of any kind whatsoever over the current and future structuring and/or content of the pages to which links are provided. The creation of external links does not mean that the provider is adopting the content behind the reference or link as his own. The continued monitoring of the external links cannot reasonably be expected of the provider if there are no specific indications of violations of the law. When violations of the law become evident, however, such external links are deleted immediately.
Copyright and ancillary copyright The content published on this website is subject to German copyright and ancillary copyright law. Any exploitation of this content which is not permitted under German copyright and ancillary copyright law shall require the prior written consent of the provider or the respective holder of rights. This shall apply in particular for the reproduction, editing, translation, backing-up, processing, and/or playback of content in databases or other electronic media and systems. Any content and rights belonging to third parties are labeled as such. The prohibited reproduction or playback of individual content items or entire pages is not permitted and is punishable under the law. Only the production of copies and downloads for personal, private and non-commercial use is permissible.
The displaying of this website in third-party frames is permissible only with written authorization.
The use of the contact data in the “Legal” section for commercial advertising purposes is explicitly not welcomed, unless the provider had previously granted his written consent or an appropriate business relationship already exists. The provider and all of the persons specified on this website hereby object to any commercial use and/or reproduction of their data.
Data protection We are glad that you are interested in our Internet presence and our company. We take the protection of your personal data very seriously. This applies not only for the rendering of our services in the “traditional way,” but also for your use of our website.
We would therefore like to inform you below about how we implement the statutory provisions on data protection when you visit our website, especially with regard to what data of yours are gathered during your visit and how they are used.
General: extent of the gathering and storage of data Our website is intended primarily for anonymous use. It is therefore generally unnecessary to disclose any personal data in order to use our website. When you use our website, anonymized information is gathered and saved, e.g. the date and time when the page was called up, the page from which you called up our page, and the pages that you looked at.
These anonymous data are gathered solely for internal statistical purposes. We use them in particular to optimize our website and adapt it even better to our users’ needs.
Although the provider’s identity can be ascertained via the IP address which is used, no inferences can be drawn about the respective user’s identity.
Forwarding of data Insofar as you disclose personal data (such as your name, address, telephone number, etc.) within our website, e.g. when using our contact form, we observe the principle of using data only for specific purposes. This means that we gather, process, and save your data only for the purposes for which you disclosed them to us, e.g. to answer your inquiry, to implement contracts concluded with you, or for technical administration purposes. They are not forwarded to third parties without your explicit consent, unless such forwarding is necessary for rendering the service or implementing the contract. You can at any time revoke any consent already granted with effect for the future.
The transmission of the data e.g. involving the submission of tax returns or written submissions for a court is an authorized (and necessary) form of data forwarding. If this is done by electronic means, it takes place only in encrypted form at the standard of the official software that must be used exclusively for this purpose.
Transmission to state institutions and authorities entitled to receive information, too, is effected only within the scope of statutory duties to provide information or if we are obligated by a court judgment to provide information.
We also take internal corporate data protection very seriously. We are already obligated by law to treat all data as confidential in a way that goes far beyond the regulations of the German Federal Data Protection Act. Our employees and the service companies hired by us have been bound to secrecy by us and obligated to comply with the statutory provisions on data protection.
In extensive areas of our service spectrum we collaborate with DATEV e. G. (, who regularly have their own data backup standards certified (see their website). The relevant communication takes place only in encrypted form using the latest standard.
Data transmission If we receive an e-mail from you, we shall assume that we are entitled to reply to it by e-mail. It goes without saying that we shall use your e-mail address only for correspondence with you. It shall not be forwarded to third parties.
In connection with this, we would like to point out that data transmission on the Internet (e.g. when communicating by e-mail) can generally display security gaps, e.g. your e-mail can be apprehended and its contents inspected by experienced Internet users while on its way to us. That is why we also like to communicate with you by encrypted e-mail. This, however, requires your active cooperation. If you are interested, please ask us about it.
Right to information and revocation If you have disclosed personal data to us, you can have them deleted again at any time. Data used for financial settlement and accounting purposes and information subject to a safekeeping period are not affected by a revocation or deletion.
Personal data which are communicated to us via our website shall be stored only for as long as it takes to fulfill the purpose for which they were entrusted to us. If any safekeeping periods under commercial and/or fiscal law must be observed, the storage period for particular data may be as long as 10 years or more.
If you are no longer in agreement with the storage of your personal data or if they are now incorrect, we shall, depending on your instructions, arrange for their deletion, blocking, or alteration or make the necessary corrections, provided that this is possible under applicable law.
On request you shall receive, free of charge, information about all of the personal data about you that we have stored. Please send your revocation and/or your questions on the subject of data protection in our company, as well as any possible rights to information, directly to us at any time.
Data storage / Data security We have at our disposal modern industrial storage solutions that comply with the latest standards and are structured on a redundant basis with system stability. We back up data constantly and in multiple form. We cannot provide you with any further details about this for security reasons.
Admittance to our office premises is protected, while confidential data are stored outside of the free public movement zone.
Cookies Our website uses “cookies.” Cookies are small text files which are sent by the Web server to your PC and are deposited there in a special file, usually on the hard disk. Cookies can merely identify the PC that you are using; they do not store any personal data themselves. They help to identify you as a recurring visitor when you make your next visit to our website and make your navigation on our website easier, for example by making the multiple entry of data unnecessary.
We use cookies only if they are strictly necessary for the user functions or thereby make navigation on the website easier. The information gathered by cookies is not forwarded to third parties under any circumstances.
Regarding cookies, you basically have the choice of whether or not to allow them. You can regulate the matter yourself in your browser settings. You can choose whether to accept all cookies, be informed as soon as cookies are sent, or reject all cookies. For more information on this subject, see the instructions in your Internet browser. If you do not accept any cookies, however, this can lead to functional restrictions in the use of our pages. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.
And a few words to finish with… Your trust is our most important concern. We are gladly at your service if you have any further questions about the processing of your personal data in our company that were answered either insufficiently or not at all in this data protection statement. Should this be the case, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.